

亚历克西斯杰斐逊 亚历克西斯杰斐逊

亚历克西斯杰斐逊 will make her professional directorial debut at the Pablo Center at the Confluence’s 威斯康辛州 Shakespeare Festival in Eau Claire, 威斯康辛州.

经过严格的申请流程, she was selected to direct the festival’s New Works: Improbable Fiction Series in the Diverse Perspectives category. The series allows writers 和 artists from across the region 和 the country to showcase their talents in the form of original theatrical works.

总监, Jefferson will be able to select the play she wants to direct from approximately 250 submissions 和 will participate in the casting process as well.

虽然这是她第一次专业演出, her upcoming production in 威斯康辛州 is not her first directing experience. 在萨斯奎哈纳,她导演了一部喜剧 基准 格伦·奥特曼. 她还为苏大24小时电影节写了一部剧本.

“I love to be able to see what I have envisioned come to life on stage,杰斐逊说 of directing. “And I love working with people 和 pulling things out of people 和 then putting that on stage.”

Jefferson, of Upper Marlboro, Maryl和, graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of 艺术 in 剧院 强调表演的. 她的最终职业目标是编剧、导演和出演电影. After her experience with the 威斯康辛州 Shakespeare Festival wraps up in July, 她希望过渡到电影制作.

“I aspire to tell stories that aren’t often told 和 to create art that reflects our world through the representation of various cultures, 身份和故事,杰斐逊说. “I believe that art can create change or be used as a catalyst for change, 所以我希望通过我讲述和创造的故事, 我正在影响积极的变化.”


雅各布·布伦纳(雅各布·布伦纳)在外面的一棵树旁拍照留念 雅各布·布伦纳

雅各布·布伦纳观点 平面设计 与其说是一种艺术,不如说是一种解决问题的工具.

在获得美术学士学位后, 在卡莱尔, 宾西法尼亚, native将加入Mission Media, 巴尔的摩的一家品牌营销机构. 布伦纳以优异的成绩毕业.

“平面设计很好地融合了我喜欢的一切——创造力, 解决问题,为别人做东西,布伦纳说. “平面设计无处不在,每个人都需要它.”

布兰诺学分 阿曼达Lenig, department chair 和 assistant professor of 平面设计, for alerting him to the opportunity. He said the interview process “just felt right,” 和 he secured his employment in early February.

“阿曼达Lenig cares so much about the success of her students,布伦纳说. “She’d tell me when work needed to be improved, let me know when I missed the mark. 她庆祝我的每一次成功,告诉我我进步了多少.”

从他在萨斯奎哈纳的第一年开始,布伦纳就在 洛尔·德根斯坦画廊他在大三和大四期间担任经理. 他还曾担任Susquehanna’s的平面设计师 职业发展中心.

“苏大的平面设计系很难. 但我因此变得更好了。. “这个项目推动我成为最好的自己, 教会我如何批判性地思考, 接受并实施批评, 做个好人就好. 我认为这是最重要的.”


悉尼Mastropasqua 悉尼Mastropasqua

悉尼马斯特罗帕斯夸说她的专业是 心理学宗教研究 辅修 音乐 were all integral to the call she is answering: pursuing a Master of Divinity at Princeton Theological Seminary.

“Studying 心理学 和 宗教研究 together allowed me to gain a holistic education, 哪一个对我被召入侍奉有好处,马斯特罗帕斯夸说.

这位新泽西人计划最终攻读博士学位, with the goal of teaching at the undergraduate level or serving as a university chaplain. Mastropasqua said she chose Princeton because the university’s values align with her own.

“普林斯顿, 我知道我将能够表达我对学习的热爱, love of 音乐 和 love of Christ with a diverse community equipping me to then go out into the world 和 serve with an underst和ing of faith, 奖学金, 神学院毕业后的社区及事工服务,”她说。.

美国福音派路德教会的成员, Mastropasqua, 谁以最优等的成绩毕业, 她说她在萨斯奎汉纳大学读书时被召入教会.

“当我第一次来到萨斯奎哈纳时, 我只主修心理学, but as I got more involved in religious 和 spiritual life both at school 和 at my home church, 我知道获得宗教研究学士学位是我的使命,”她说。. “I am so excited to fulfill my calling 和 am confident God has 和 will give me the gifts to sustain 和 carry others throughout their journey with our heavenly Father.”


凯瑟琳·福尔曼 凯瑟琳·福尔曼凯瑟琳·福尔曼 graduated magna cum laude with departmental honors with a Bachelor of Science in 生物学生态, 还有教师资格证, all of which will support her when she joins the staff at the New York Botanical Garden where she will create educational programming for students ages 9 to 14.

“我在浩博体育app的时候, one of the biggest challenges I have faced is communication of scientific information to individuals who are not a part of my field. 我想弥合沟通的鸿沟,”福尔曼说. “If we as scientists cannot communicate information or our findings in an effective way to individuals who are not a part of our field, 那么我们所做的目的是什么呢?”

浩博体育app的四年里,福尔曼在她的导师手下工作 杰克·霍尔特, 生物学教授, 担任浩博体育app生活收藏的经理, 教学助理, 研究和夏令营的顾问 河流生态研究所. 此外,通过 马特·威尔逊Susquehanna 's的主任 环境教育与研究中心, she worked with the Chesapeake Conservancy to create educational signage for the CEER 和 淡水研究所 详细说明设施的项目和目标.

“These experiences were gratifying 和 reaffirmed that I have a passion for teaching,” 福尔曼 said. “Dr. Holt encouraged me to take an education-based course for one of my electives, which developed into my pursuit of a teaching certification in addition to my degree.”

最终, 福尔曼, 长谷, 新泽西, 想追求这个工作作为一个职业-创造互动, 提供可Visit的教育程序, simplified information regarding a wide variety of topics related to 生态 和 生物学, 从植物园, 动物园和博物馆到国家公园, 保育及教室.


A U.S. 驻扎在韩国的军队

萨曼莎沼泽 萨曼莎沼泽

第二个Lt. 萨曼莎沼泽 will leave the United States for South Korea to serve as a medical services corps officer in the U.S. 陆军第568地面救护连.

“我一直想去海外, 当机会来临时,他们就会去竞争, 我一定要尽我最大的努力,马什说. “This has been a long journey in getting to where I am now 和 where I am going. I am lucky to be a part of the small percent of newly commissioned officers who are able to go overseas as a first duty station.”

Marsh, a native of Danville, 宾西法尼亚, graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in 心理学. 在萨斯奎哈纳的四年里, 马什一直活跃于预备役军官训练团, a four-year program designed to prepare college students for Army service as commissioned officers in the active Army, 或在陆军预备役或陆军国民警卫队兼职. 她以杰出军事毕业生的身份毕业于浩博体育app.

马什的最终职业目标包括成为美国大学的一名专业学生.S. 他还在攻读咨询或临床心理学的博士学位.

“我想接触尽可能多的人,马什说, “和 get to a place where I can really create change within the mental health world in the Army.”


托马斯也没有 托马斯也没有

一时兴起, 托马斯也没有 applied for a Las Vegas position with Big 4 会计 firm Deloitte — not expecting to get the job.


“我真的没指望能得到这份工作,斯默斯说, 但既然我这么做了, 我对自己的决定非常满意.”

浩博体育app的每个学生 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院 保证有实习机会, something Simmers took advantage of by completing not just one but two international internships — the first with Forte Markets, 总部位于伦敦的一家法律技术公司, 第二个是垃圾币, 这是一家总部位于德国的回收初创公司.

他获得了理学学士学位 会计他还获得了注册会计师执照. 在短短四年时间里,他获得了必要的报酬 150学时 参加注册会计师考试. As a result, he secured his Deloitte position in November of his senior year.

Dr. Ozlanski, Dr. 刘, Dr. Pomykalski 和教授 劳伦·史密斯 have all guided me 和 allowed me to choose a path that would be better suited to my personal goals,斯默斯说. “如果没有他们四个,我就不会有今天的成就.”
